It is not racist to get braids done. Insecurity in the disguise of gatekeeping.

People being harassed for getting braids done is something to leave in 2024. America do better

There is of course a difference between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation, and getting a hairstyle from a certain culture is cultural appreciation.

Imagine someone looking at a post, seeing a beautiful hairstyle and then asking for a stylist to get that specific hairstyle done. Now with their new hair they are happy and getting ice cream, then BOOM

"Don't you know you are getting black people hair" "She wouldn't even know the history of that hair"

Like this is the Vibe of a woman wearing a comic costume and some nerd starts asking her about that comic.

It is highly insecure when you cannot accept a person outside of your race can love your culture.

The thought is so far fetched for certain demographic of people immediately start blaming that person to be racist.

And this is very commonly seen in America. * cue gif very dramatic tsk americans Just a little thought.