Please plan your protests months in advance
If you want an impactful large turnout, you need to plant at least, at the very least two months in advance
I understand that democracy cannot wait but the reality is that a lot of us need to know ahead of time. If you want people to fly across the country to protest, you have to put something together well ahead of time. This gives us time to plan to organize, plan with other groups/orgs, to communicate to the larger public, to help others who may not have the funds to go. How do you think the Trump administration got all those people on January 6? NOT TO SAY THAT WAS A PROTEST AND THAT WE WILL BE VIOLENT.
Well, I appreciate any protest,and still acknowledge it’s impact, imagine what it would be like if we did plan ahead and we utilized the time in between to really get our shit together. I’m not saying have everyone focus on one large event, but it’s something to keep in mind.
It’s going to be warmer, college students will be out, people will be more active in general, and politicians will be campaigning… And Trump will probably fuck even more things up.
7/5 would be perfect for this. It’s after the fourth. It’s on a weekend. And it’s months away still keep planning and doing protest now, but these summer protests (esp 7/5) should be fucking huge.