Some insight into Ben and Mahogany’s story

Ben gave a podcast interview last week and he shared some interesting things.

  1. The reason Mahogany ghosted Ben is because she told him she didn't want to do the show. Ben had been previously cast on another reality show that never aired and he wanted to give it another try. He had just met Mahogany online and he thought it would be fun to have their first in person meeting filmed for tv. She told him it was stupid idea but he talked her into it.

  2. The night before he flew to Peru, he texted Mahogany to say she was right and he was going to stop filming and come to Peru another time. The next morning, he texted and told her that he changed his mind again and he was still coming with the cameras.

  3. She used the $1k he loaned her for a school bill and she did pay him back.

  4. The apartment she was in was a rental but it wasn’t an AirBnb. She rents a furnished apartment on a month to month basis for 8-ten months of the year when things are cheaper. The price of the apartments go up in the summer so she moves back in with her parents during those months.

  5. The reason Mahogany stormed off on that last day in Peru is because she felt he was only asking those questions because of the cameras. She felt betrayed by him because she already knew she was uncomfortable filming and he decided to ask her to explain herself on camera. That’s why she told him he was using her.

  6. Mahogany speaks perfect English and has mastered an English accent. However when he gets nervous, she struggles to remember how to express herself in English and she reverts back to her first language. That was why the producers suggested the translation app. She kept speaking in Spanish because the camera made her nervous.

  7. One of the reasons she doesn’t trust him is because she feels he made her look bad on tv. He pressured her into filming the show. He talked about the $1k, but he didn’t say it was a loan that she was going to repay. He suggested that her apartment wasn’t hers even though he hadn’t asked her about it. He confronted her about some of the inconsistencies in her story on camera. Finally, he filmed his second trip to Peru and shared it with TLC even though he promised her that it would be private.

Are you buying any of this? It does explain a lot. If she never wanted to be on tv, it makes sense that she would be so distant and refuse to answer his questions on camera. It also explains why her demeanor is so odd on 90 Day Diaries. Ben probably told her she had to do it because they need the money. The link to the podcast is below if anyone is interested.