How to deal with hypersensitivity?
So, I am usually nice to people and today I went to the jungle aka Costco which is usually very crowded. I found a spot near the shop and this Jeep Wrangler was like 15-20m away from that spot, I was just adjusting the car to park and this car came near and pressed the horn so violently that my soul left my body. Dude rolled down the window and shouted “Hey I was taking that spot!”
Looking at the angry red neck who could potentially overlook the 2nd amendment, I fled the scene and went to another Costco. What the fuck is the problem with people? The idea of parking was Queue(FCFS) not Stack. Is chivalry dead?
Moreover I usual don’t go to Costco, and this little incident stopped me from going out for a few days. I am usually not a very sensitive person, but how do I cope up with this? Is the world really that bad?