Adderall headaches?


I started 10mg adderall (the generic tablet extended release) 3 days ago. I have been having HORRIBLE headaches the last two days about 2-4 hours after taking it. I do have a history to tension headaches/migraines but am worried this is because of the medication.

I have been hydrating on days I take the medication but perhaps I haven’t been eating enough? I have been eating a protein bar and some cheese and crackers in the morning but don’t take the adderall until like 1:30pm* and get the headaches at like 3 or 4. Could that be it? I called the pharmacy and they said this medication has not relationship with headaches but everything online seems to say otherwise.

I would love to hear other peoples thoughts, previous experiences, or tips to stop these horrible headaches!

TLDR: headaches and adderall? Is this a thing when starting? Will they stop? How do I manage?

** I take it so late because if I am getting the headache because of a ‘come down’, I want to be in pain at the end of the workday instead of in the early afternoon. I also have night classes so I was HOPING I would be able to make it through work and those before any potential “come down” headache would set it but alas :(