Can someone reassure me that what I am doing isn't weird
A few days ago, my boyfriend caught me reading a story on AO3 during a break between lectures. Naturally, he was curious, so I decided to open up to him about how I enjoy reading smut from time to time and how it makes me feel. It quickly became clear that I might have completely shattered his reality. He seemed genuinely shocked by the idea that I could find stories arousing, and he kept asking more and more questions as the conversation went on.
After about 15 minutes, I started to feel a little concerned. His initial amazement and curiosity seemed to shift into a mix of worry and disgust. While he didn’t seem to have an issue with the stories themselves, he was really bothered by the fact that I read them in public spaces, like on campus or on the bus. He told me about how he thought it was inappropriate and even suggested that I might have an addiction. I tried to explain that I only read these stories a few times a week and that it’s not the same as watching porn in public, but he just couldn’t seem to understand my perspective.
I want to make it clear that I don’t think his concerns come from a place of judgment or malice he genuinely cares about me and is worried about my well-being. That said, I can’t help but feel a little self-conscious now.
Can anyone reassure me that enjoying this kind of content and reading in public doesn’t make me weird or shameful?