2024-Feeling tired but OK.
I started the year thinking the worse thing in my life was a very bad crush I had on another woman and the fact all my friends had coupled up. In short, just the feeling of crippling loneliness and not knowning how to tackle it.
Now a year on I've narrowly avoided homelessness, lost almost everything and I'm tired enough that when I look back at the past 11 months I don't recognise the person who started the year. And how being concerned over being single really drops to the bottom of the priority list when the immediate problem is just surviving.
This may sound all drerry and negative, but there are some good things. I'm no longer at risk of being homeless, I unofficially have a cat sort of and I'm trying to re-skill to improve my job options. Its still not perfect but I'm here and there was a very real chance mid summer that I would not be.
So what is anybody else happy/grateful / introspective about? Nothings perfect but I'm learning my cups of tea and the odd walk I get to take on my lunch breaks mean a lot more now than they did before.