How do I manage my time better?
I (27f) work 40 hours a week, but I don't have a car, so I ride transit. Because of this, I usually wake up at about 4:30 am, and leave before 6. I get home around 6, and try to go to sleep at around 9 or 10. I work Monday - Friday, and try to use the weekend to get things done like laundry and socializing.
I so rarely have any energy when I get home. I've been trying to cook more lately, but it usually takes me a couple of hours when you include clean up, etc, and then there goes my entire night. I also don't know how to cook anything, and have been working on getting more experienced, and sometimes use meal kits like Hello Fresh or Every Plate, when I have the motivation.
I also have unmedicated ADHD and depression, which isn't helping anything. I want to start exercising more, but when I barely have the energy to feed myself most days, it really doesn't seem like an option. Half the time I end up ordering food delivery or eating junk food because I'm just so tired after work. I work in a warehouse too, so I'm somewhat physical there. There's also possibly some chronic health issues, but not sure. I haven't been to the doctor in years, and I'm working on it, but idk when that will happen.
I know I need to make some life changes, I'm just not sure where to start. I'm purely in survival mode right now, and trying to figure out how to get healthier and get more energy, when I simply just don't have the time or motivation.