How to deal with In-Laws Unwanted Advice
I (24 F) gave birth to my baby boy a month ago. Everything’s been great everyone’s excited and loves him. The problem comes in with my in laws. My boyfriend’s (22 M) mother always has something to say about the way I do things with my son. The first time we took the baby over to see my boyfriend’s mom, dad, and grandma he was 2 weeks old. His grandmother asked if he was on a feeding schedule I said yes, but more so like he gets hungry when It gets close to 3 hours. My baby starts fussing a little and immediately go to saying he’s hungry and he had ate maybe an hour and thirty mins ago. I grab my baby and rock him a little and he falls asleep. Days pass and when they call I say he’s getting chubby cheeks and she says no he’s not but if you get rid of that feeding schedule blah blah blah. His grandma chimes in my kids were never on a feeding schedule, I fed them when they’re hungry.
Next thing my boyfriend’s mother did, I sent everyone a video of him doing tummy time my son is about 3 weeks here. I researched before I did It if It was safe for his age. She responds back with a screenshot from google about SIDS… and saying how it’s not safe for babies to be on their stomachs just yet. So i sent back a screenshot from google about newborn tummy time and how it’s safe to do with an adult paying close attention and only for a few minutes.
Now my baby just made 1 month on the 7th of February so I did him a Valentine theme photoshoot. He was in a diaper and I put on red lipstick and put kisses on him. Because I had a sign that says “Kisses for 25 cents”. My boyfriend’s mom and dad both have comments about this.
“I wish he wasn’t just in a diaper” , “What’s on his body is It going to break him out” , “He should’ve had on a little outfit It would’ve been cuter” The icing on the cake was when my boyfriend’s dad said that we should’ve did a professional shoot lol . My boyfriend chimed in and said yea if you’re paying for It . I planned to do theme photoshoots at home until my baby turns one just for fun.
Today we are going over to their house to watch the Super Bowl and honestly I’m at my wits end with the comments and unwanted advice. How can I go about things if they say something that pisses me off. I don’t want to disrespect my boyfriend’s family because I love them and wouldn’t want to damage the relationship but I literally can’t take It anymore. I might blow up!