Am I overreacting? My partner expects me to lay in bed for hours because he doesn’t like “waking up alone”

Does anyone else think this is an insanely unreasonable expectation? My partner expects me to lay in bed for hours because he doesn’t like “waking up alone.” Currently we are both not working so we have mornings (and days) together. Since I’ve been on leave he started saying he doesn’t like waking up alone and wondering where I am when he wakes up. Our apartment is pretty small so I could really only be in the kitchen, living room, or bathroom honestly. It’s not like I just leave and am unreachable for the day or something. I am an early riser naturally and he is not and is notoriously hard to wake up. I don’t think it’s my responsibility to rub his back so he can wake up nicely but he doesn’t think this is too much to ask.

He is also adamant about me being there when he wakes up. Calling me back into the bed is not good enough because the bad feeling of waking up alone has already happened so in his mind it is too late then.
I have told him several times that this expectation is unrealistic and if I wake up at 6:30 and he sleeps till 11:30 that is 4 hours of my day wasted. Also, I want coffee, I want breakfast, wtf. Is this not normal?

This morning I woke up at 7:30, laid in bed till 8:15 then got up to feed the cat and dog and started cleaning up around the house a bit. At 9:30 he starts making noise and I go in and lay with him and he is once again upset that he woke up alone. Then he asked what my plan for the day was and I said, “clean the house and go get groceries to cook something.” He then got upset at this and said I just plan every day and he can’t make any plans because I am selfish and don’t wait for him so we can plan together. I told him my “plan” was just tasks and he can add whatever he wants us to do. I tried to get him to tell me what an ideal day in his mind was and what a perfect girlfriend would do but he refused to give me any examples and just kept saying I don’t care about him.

Basically it led to a big argument and I told him we are just not compatible and I will never meet his expectations.

Am I overreacting or is this insanely unreasonable?