AIO for not letting my girlfriend touch me?
Okay. I know this sounds a little crazy. Try to read the whole thing, please?
We've only been dating for a few weeks, almost a month. It's my first time dating, and I already want to break up. The reason sounds ridiculous: she keeps trying to touch me. Not even in a sexual way, just very intimate.
I'm very awkward with any kind of physical affection. The first time she tried to hold my hand, I got very embarrassed for some reason (it was in public) and told her I didn't want to. When she didn't let go, I pulled away, but she grabbed me again. Like, forcefully grabbed my hand. I suddenly felt seriously uncomfortable, so I asked her to stop. She said something like "No, you look cute when you're nervous."
A few minutes later, she surprise hugged me from behind. I gently pulled away and said that I'm not a hugger. She said, "well, I'm going to change that, because my love language is physical touch."
Then she started touching me all the time. Like, she tries to hug me 15 times a day. I am not exaggerating. She also grabs my hand (not holds, grabs) and ignores me when I tell her to stop. When she hugs me, I have to physically push her away because she refuses to get off.
It disgusts me and kind of scares me. It doesn't even feel like a hug anymore, more like she's trying to strangle or choke me. She "hugs" me so tight I feel like I'm suffocating, probably because she knows I'm going to try to push her away. If I don't push her off (sometimes I can't because she's pretty strong) she does the swaying-thing and even starts rubbing. It makes me want to throw up.
Either she doesn't understand I'm serious, or she just doesn't give a shit about how I feel. And I don't see why she wouldn't understand. I've talked to her multiple times about it, and I made it very clear that I FUCKING HATE IT. So she just doesn't give a shit???
The worst part is, I'm okay with other people hugging me and holding my hand: it's awkward but it's a sweet gesture, and even if I don't enjoy it, I appreciate it. Not with my girlfriend. It doesn't seem affectionate, it seems controlling, kind of like "i don't respect you and I don't care what you feel". Or maybe I'm overreacting. Either way, I'm most uncomfortable around my own girlfriend, and that's messed up.
At the same time, I know her love language is physical touch, and she's probably very upset that I won't let her touch me.
Am I overreacting? I know I'm overly sensitive, it's just a hug, couples do that kind of stuff, blah blah blah. But still... I hate it. I'm even starting to avoid her. What should I do? Please help.