Serious question - who are these people who can afford $2k+ for rent every month ?

How?! Why!!

Paying $1300 for a 2bed nearly killed me last year, I just don’t understand. It bums me out. Real estate is the devil.

And you wonder why the trains are full of unhoused people every night…..

Chicago what are we gonna do??

EDIT: Was specifically referring to when I struggling financially a year ago before I got a roommate. I’m back on my feet now trying to build up my savings. I know I have a good deal and I’m SO grateful for it. Some of y’all talk like you’ve never had a hard time in your life. I’ve lived in Chicago my entire life. I love this city and all the poor people who inhabit it. Stop trying to kill us.

That being said, I wish every kind soul a killer deal on a lovely apartment or home 😘