India is projected to have 35 lakh weddings this year in 2024
35 lakh wedding equals 70 lakh people getting married in one year alone, which is 0.5% of the population. Then why is this sub filled with people who don’t want to get married? Doesn’t look like marriage is becoming passé in India any time soon!
Edit: Response from Ria_Roy provides some context to the numbers so thought of sharing here - “60 crore people in India are now estimated to be between the ages of 18 and 35. Source Let's say about 50% of them are of marriageable age but not married yet. That's 30 crore people. Of which just 75 lakhs are getting married this year. The ones who don't marry/not already married, would be considered unmarriageable in 10 years or so.
If every year assuming that just 75 lakhs get married, in 10 years that's 7.5 crore of the 30 crore - that's 25%. The rest 75% remain unmarried? That's 15-16% of the total population. This is versus almost 100% of Indians marrying at least once in their lifetime.
And we don't even have the trend projection here to know if the total number of weddings as a percentage of the population is steady, declining or rising. My bets would be based on a decline. Of this gen 1 in 5 Indians are likely to never marry nor seek to marry even once in their lifetime. With a majority of these being in the urban areas. So maybe 1 in every 3 people that are urbanised and educated, might choose not to marry. Simply because they now know they have the choice. And marriage isn't a necessity.
There are of course a lot of assumptions here - and some may view the data and cut it very differently. But this is only to answer the question about "why this sub is filled with people who don't want to get married"? That's because a disproportionate number of people on this sub would be from the urban, educated classes. Therefore in all likelihood a higher ratio of people unlikely to marry. That's as compared to those in rural, traditional areas and communities - who are also less likely to be on reddit.”