Is family planning in this political climate selfish?

My spouse and I have begun IVF (just the admin stage, not actual medication/retrieval/transfer stage) and day in and day out I am starting to feel that this is more of a selfish desire now.

How can I possibly leave my kid with this shit show? The climate, the attack on education, the attack on reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, etc.

We’re upper middle class by standards of our area, but we aren’t in a position to pay for private school. We also trust public institutions and love services like public schools, public libraries, national parks, etc.

Neither myself or my husband voted for this. In fact, we both spent an hour having to literally argue with my grandma who’s MAGA as hell that being maga is dumb as fuck.

I’ve always wanted to be a parent and I’ve always been “Hell yea!” about parenthood, but as the political climate in the U.S. gets worse, I am feeling that this is one selfish maneuver. What kid wants to be left with this?