Episodes you DON’T like watching?

Bob’s Burgers is one of my all-time favorite shows, and certainly the one I watch most often. But there are still some episodes that I don’t enjoy, usually because they’re frustrating. For instance, Sacred Couch makes me mad for the family because they end up keeping that broken, ratty couch for purely sentimental reasons. Family Fracas drives me up the wall because Jimmy cheats Bob out of a new van and barely gets any comeuppance. Topsy is a great episode on its own but it makes me sad to watch because I start thinking about the true story it’s based on, which is somehow even worse than they talk about in the show. And Pro Tiki/Con Tiki upsets me because of how much good Warren’s money could have done for the restaurant if Bob had just talked about his feelings instead of shutting their agreement down.

Are there any episodes that you skip?