Silliest thing someone has done after being told you have celiac?

I feel like everyone with celiac has probably dealt with non-celiacs being slightly mindless and not understanding, but what is your silliest interaction like this? I'll start.

For me, it was when I had gone to a restaurant for the first time since diagnosis. I will be honest, I knew this restaurant was not going to be careful with my food and I was okay with that because I wanted an excuse to go home early from hanging out with the friend I was with (we are no longer friends current day). It was a birthday celebration and we both had birthdays around that time. So this dinner was, in a way, for both of us. The waiters brought me a cheesecake slice that said happy birthday in caramel drizzle alongside the one they brought for my friend. They also sang happy birthday for the two of us. A very nice thought, but I didn't eat it. I was already feeling glutened from the singular chicken breast with marinara on that I had ordered (they had a gf pasta option on the menu, but because I already knew they didn't care I didn't want a lot of food. I just wanted to feel included and an excuse to leave later that night) so I didn't risk it further by eating the cheesecake, I let someone else at the table take it home. I did appreciate the thought though! I didn't expect to be included in the singing because my birthday was two days prior.

Very silly to be given a birthday cheesecake right after telling them I have an extreme gluten allergy, though! (I don't say celiac at restaurants because they tend to take that less seriously for some reason than if you say extreme allergy) They even had someone from the kitchen come talk to me to tell me they are diligent about cross contamination. I knew that was not true but I didn't say anything because I didn't care enough, I knew what I was getting myself into. But knowing that the cheesecake had to go through the kitchen and no one, including the person who talked to me and reassured me about the gluten, stopped to think for 3 seconds about the ingredients in it, is very funny to me!

Now your turn! I don't want to hear malicious stories of people glutening you on purpose, though. This is just for silly mistakes or misconceptions people have had!