I'll never think that neutering is 'the right thing to do' until you show that it's the sane for HUMANS and NONHUMANS
I find it funny when vegans shy away from the ethical concerns with cutting off animals' genital organs. People say that "it's healthier", "they live longer and happier". First of all, I don't care about life's lenght, but its quality, and how do you know they are healthier? Or is that somebody else shoved that idea down your throat? Couldn't you just think by yourself?
For now, there ain't a single thing anyone there has discussed that made me think it wasn't a thing made out of pushing and the owners' convenience. If it's ethical to neuter animals, that includes humans. Try to change my view. And no, vasectomies don't count, unless you include them even for pets. Excluding survival situations where rights don't matter, such as when it's about invasive species, would you like it if somebody did that to you? Putting the invasive species issue in these discussion is no different than telling vegans: "What would you do if you were in a natural habitat risking starvation? Wouldn't you hunt?".
And it's not just dogs and cats, but I see that people have this tendency with anything that isn't human. Humans aren't special and I think they and their sexual behaviour aren't more sacred than any other animal. Not to mention that spaying and neutering pushers are often open minded like a locked garage: I just can't discuss properly with them.
Another thing is that to try to justify this, they mention ooperectomies and such, but never orchiectomies? What's that, are balls sacred?