Demonolatry with no Intuition?

Is it possible to go into demonolatry with little to no sense of intuition?

I'm very literally-minded, and I genuinely think I don't have the ability to detect anything "supernatural" or "otherworldly". I see things how they are, I think critically, and my mind always goes to "scientific" explanations whenever I experience anything kinda weird. I also feel like I just completely lack any kind of ability.

This is all something I definitely want to change, and I want to work with Lucifer in this, but I'm worried I'll miss a bunch of signs from him because I won't be able to see any of it. Should I begin practice/reaching out to Lucifer despite this "blockage"? Any other advice in regards to building intuition? Has anyone else began practicing Demonolatry without having a sense of intuition and did it improve over time?