This game is clapped

Bit of a rant but I’m at the end of my rope with this game. Playing on PC and I genuinely get a full second of input delay pretty much every match and lag no matter how good my connection is. Fully willing to admit that I’m not a great player but it makes the game so much harder when defenders sit ball watching and turn like absolute slugs because I’m defending a second behind. Before you tell me to turn v-sync on or off or try all these other fixes I’ve gone through so many Reddit posts and YouTube videos I don't think there’s a combination of things I haven’t tried. I’ve done speed tests and I’m connected through Ethernet so I know it’s not my connection This game is just clapped on PC.

I’m glad I only paid £15 for this game but I think the way it runs on PC it should be free. I really enjoy it when it works but that is 10% of the time.

(I have a 3060 ti and a 3700x processor and the game installed on and ssd)