2 year seizure free gone today
Just wanted to vent to a community that understands.
I was 2 years without a seizure, today i was in yhe grocery store and i felt weird, like light headed and dizzy and just out of it? It wasnt an aura feeling, at least not like ive experienced. I walked theough the store though and just as i was about to leave I got the aura, although it felt a bit different, almost like there was a very heavy dissacoiation feeling. Its hard to explain, does anyone else sort of get that?
I knew what was about to happen though and i just said to the closest person to me "im gunna have a seizure" and then i went down. I dont just drop to the floor though i sort if slowly went down, honestly not sure if the guy helped me down or what. My 3 year old daughter was with me and i just wanted to make sure someone could see her.
When its been so long you forget how embarassing it is. I usually start making grunting noises and breathing very heavily and sometimes like crying sounds.
I am still in the process of getting an actual diagnosis, but i think i have temporal lobe/focal epilepsy.
Anyone else share what their focal epilepsy feels like or what happens?