My unhappy thoughts on a silver lining

This can't go on forever. I'm hoping it won't last for two years before Dems regain control of Congress.

When we have to rebuild the government, I think there will be a lot of interest in hiring people who have both corporate and government experience.

This is a darker period in American history than low-information Americans realize. I hope we have the national resilience to come back from it.

I don't know about y'all but the way my employer handles things is not giving me good feelings about being here. I don't like the culture. I'm honestly kind of disgusted by the lack of compassion and the gaslighting. I'm not going to name it, but I really want to leave. I think in a couple of years there will be lots of billets coming back in USG. I don't think this is permanent.

After seeing how virtuously and courageously FBI and DOJ leaders have handled themselves, I kind of want to go work for them.