Well, looks like it's happening a year sooner than planned

Got the call last week, laid off from my job of 10+ years.

I'm okay with this. I'd been coasting at low effort for a while and I guess they finally noticed. I was actually planning to go one more year and then pull the trigger next spring. I could have stopped probably two or three years ago, but kept at it since the job was pretty cushy, full WFH (software developer) and super low stress, so a few one-more-years for cushion was fine. It only hurts my pride, now I won't get to make that "stepping down" call to give notice that I'd been rehearsing in my head for years.

I know the numbers work fine for early retirement. Age 49 (was going to retire at 50), single with no dependents, 2M in investments (half in retirement accounts) plus 400k house owned outright in a low-medium COL town. The 4% rule gives me 80k a year to spend. I never come close to that, the house costs maybe 10k to carry and I don't spend big on travel or cars or anything.

Still a bit scary to go without income other than investments, but I keep telling myself to trust the math. The principal alone can last until social security, and I can always cut spending way back or work again if need be. One more year for a bit more cushion would have been nice, but I suppose I can go without that sports car or antarctic cruise, chubby-FIRE like that was all I would have been working for at this point. Been thinking about looking for jobs, but the problem is that I know I'd half-ass anything since I don't need the money.

The one thing I want to ask is, how do you tell family? Nobody in my family has ever done anything more than live paycheck to paycheck. My mom still works part-time at 76 and barely keeps up with bills, and my sister is a train wreck of debt and has always been jealous. I can't hide forever that I won't be working, so what do you say?