FWI: America has a messy civil war over the results of the 2026 elections.

There will be a blue wave for Democrats in 2026, but Donald Trump will accuse the Chinese and Venezuela for election fraud, and will attempt to cancel the elections. The sparks outrage among the blue states, who immediately unite, and declare the federal government illegitimate. Eventually both left-wing, and right-wing militias get involved in the fighting, and the country tears itself apart along political, ethnic, and sectarian lines. Neo-Nazis and Neo-Confederates take over towns all across the southern United States. Reimplementing segregation, or outright commit genocide against non-whites. Christian Nationalist militias take over parts of Florida, and Texas. Throwing homosexuals and trans people off of building, as though they are ISIS 2.0. Some extremist groups even tie up "rebellious women" and burn them alive as a form of honor killings. Along the coasts, anarchists and communists set up their own communities, or take over towns in attempts to create new socialist states across America. The US military is divided between support for the president, and the people. Some generals carve out their own military juntas. All culminating in decades of warfare, and the fragmentation of the United states into about a dozen smaller countries that all hate each other with a burning passion. The tl;dr is this, America becomes the Balkans + Syria but even worse somehow.