#3 I analyzed the leaks in highest detail again. Here's even more stuff I found, with some speculation on top.

Guess who's back, back again! After what feels like two years (and 47 Frame Fridays), here comes post number 3!

Is anyone remembering my old posts where I analyzed the leaks and added some speculation to it? Here they are, for those who missed them:

(EDIT: Unable to post links. This post gets deleted if I do. Google "Denso95 GTA 6 reddit" and you'll find it since a couple of media sites picked it up. The posts have a similar title to this one.)

This was well before we got our first trailer. I have analyzed the last batch of files by now. If you only want the TL;DR, don't read what's behind the dashes. There is no real "TL;DR" here, except: This game was already fucking awesome four years ago.

This whole thing is still like an empty puzzle consisting of 1,000,000 pieces and all we know are the four corner pieces. But it's fun to throw more puzzle pieces onto it, so let's do this! This list is in no particular order:


1 ) Realistic echoes may be a thing. In one clip an AR is being fired and I was able to make out exactly which wall the sound wave bounced off. Could be me imagining things, but I'm sure enough to include it here.

2 ) NPCs seem to have different tasks with different priorities attached to them.

- Example: Someone's top priority is to lean against a wall and smoke. If he's finished or loses his cigarette, he'll do the second thing in the list, like sit down on a chair. If there's no chair available, he'll do the third thing, which could be walking around randomly. NPCs will always do whatever is the highest possible entry in their personal priority list and those lists could realistically be much longer and randomized every time.

3) Found a debug entry assigned to an NPC called "decision maker" and "avoid witness" next to each other. This is a little far fetched, but I've got an idea:

- With how high the focus in this game seems to be on crime and with the evidence of NPC gangs doing robberies all on their own, they could possibly have a leader in their group. Those are the ones with the personality types "Decision Maker".

- I can imagine the "avoid witness" personality type to be scattered across NPCs and the ones who have it will try to commit their crimes without any witnesses around. So you may hear a gunshot nearby in an alley of someone committing a crime, but you won't necessarily know who it was.

- This means, that we could have things like unscripted back alley robberies and murders for example, in addition to those mentioned robberies, which aren't fixed scripted events, but rather normal (but probably rare) NPC behavior. The game is likely going to feel extremely alive.

4) Satellite dishes are installed on the side of buildings.

5) In one clip, Lucia has two pimples on her cheek, but they aren't there in other clips. Skin care could be a thing. I mentioned sun lotion in a previous post already.

6) *sigh* Alright. I've noticed something. I've put two videos side by side and Lucias bottom parts seem to vary in size by a little bit. It's probably possible to work on your (her) body.

7) If you walk against a wall, you will automatically touch it with your hand.

- Maybe if you, for example, run against a wall, the character will brace for impact with his arms. I can imagine there being more fluid movement in general and less of that "generic GTA movement" like it's being portrayed in some real life GTA videos.

8) One video uses a script which was created on the 28th of May 2021. Another confirmation that the videos aren't as old as some people assumed.

9) Climbing stairs will have different animations depending on how steep they are.

10) A motel room and "interstate" being mentioned in the same debug line. More and more evidence points towards there being more than just Vice City and Leonida.

11) Different types of duffle bags will be available. Unsure if it's only a visual difference or more than that.

12) Parked cars won't be perfectly straight every time. Some will be tilted a bit to the side. This was a thing before if I recall correctly.

13) A script window mentions "Lucia", "Billy", "Jason" and "Kai" in this order, followed by ambient NPCs, but only "Lucia" and "Jason" being colored green. More playable characters could be possible. Maybe some dlcs are already being developed.

14) You'll be able to "inspect" your duffel bag, which opens up an inventory. Similar to RDR2.

- More inventory options than just this. An indication for lots of different item groups is there. But not too many carriable weapons at once.

15) Parking ticket machines will be solar powered. Another confirmation that we're not in the 80s anymore, for that one person who still had their doubts.

16) Every plant will be moving around with the wind. The wind will feel more present than in previous games.

- Depending on the weather and location, you'll hear the wind blow hard and make leaves fly around everywhere. The whole foliage is moving.

17) "Ocean Beach Police" has their own uniform. We'll have different cop departments with corresponding outfits.

- At least six different cop uniforms for this department alone if I'm seeing this right. Could be for the whole game as well.

18) Different peds will have different loadouts and primary + secondary weapons. Cops will have their "police loadouts", meaning, they will carry a primary, possibly a secondary and maybe even tools like flashbangs, tear grenades, and so on.

- PAYDAY-like police assaults could be possible. With how many tools and weapons we've seen in the whole Americas files, I don't see why some of them wouldn't be given to npcs as well.

- Cops are carrying handcuffs and flashlights. No idea if they will make use of them, but I sure do hope so.

- See one of my previous posts I linked if you want to know more about the new police approach when you commit crimes.

19) A witness system is confirmed to return, probably expanded upon how RDR2's system worked.

20) The player is able to: Cover, crouch, prone, be "down" and self-revive or suicide while in a downed state, switch shoulder aim, melee attack, melee grapple, use buddy comms, look behind, surrender, buddy ping, change their viewmode and use a cinematic camera.

- Being in a "downed" state, having buddy comms and buddy pings only leaves us with two possibilities: Jason and Lucia will go on missions together more often than any characters every before. Or we're getting an option for co-op multiplayer.

21) Wrist accessoires will be a thing for both characters.

22) When under fire and moving forwards, characters may hold their big guns (like ARs) in front of their face to cover their head. Player characters can do this as well and it will look different, depending on the hand you'll hold your gun in (switching shoulder view switches hands).

23) Getting shot with a heavy weapon like an AR could make the bullet travel through the body. I've seen Lucia getting shot in her stomach and a stream of blood squirting out of her backside.

24) Getting taunted by cops will be different depending on the sex of your character. Lucia will definitely get different comments, even from cops.

25) Everything with a height of 50 cm or more can be used as cover by AI. Probably the same thing for player characters.

- Going prone being an exception of course.

26) Being on an airport during stormy weather may engulf even the nearby airport buildings into volumetric storm clouds/fog. Stormy weather looks absolutely insane and at least at RDR2 levels.

27) There is an animation for picking up weapons from the ground, but faster than in RDR2. Seems like we're heading into a mix between GTA 5 and RDR2. Realistic (most things are animated), but faster paced.

28) Three categories in your loadout: Weapons (big primary, small secondary, melee weapon and a bunch of other small slots), equipment and gear.

29) NPCs will move around inside enterable buildings and not just be static.

30) Population density is similar to what we've seen in the trailer. The emphasis on group activities in the trailer wasn't just for show. People are sitting, talking,, walking and drinking together.

31) Whales are in the game.

32) Relationship status possibilities between Lucia and Jason: Pragmatic cool, Pragmatic chaotic, romantic cool, romantic chaotic.

33) The far right militia is in the game.

34) "East Key" seems to be a location in the game. So Key West, Key East, maybe Key Central as well. 3 main islands in the keys area?

35) VC = Vice City. PGH = Port Gellhorn. SB = South Beach(?) LO = ? (Will contain a prison and a racetrack). Unknown location to me. - EDIT: LO = Lake Okeechobee (Lake Leonida) most likely. Thanks for mentioning!

36) Sobriety tests will be a thing.

37) All hail the "Beach Bum Preacher".

38) Running styles of npcs will be much more diverse. Saw a fat guy running away like a penguin.

39) Some damn sexy outfits, which we haven't seen in a GTA game before. We've seen similar ones in the trailer though.

40) The US, Mexico and Canada flag being close to each other again. Once again there is a tiny possibility we'll get to visit Canada (for the snowy region) and Mexico (for a more deserted region).

- They have all the textures and mechanics already in RDR2. I can't imagine them scrapping all of it for GTA 6. They WILL re-use some of it in some way. And I seriously think we're up for a trip to Canada, Mexico and some eastern Islands. Again: All speculation.

41) Gun sounds, car doors and most sounds in general sound extremely realistic this time around.

42) There's a big dildo on the night stand. Small dildo on the edge of the bathtub (anal?). And candles. And roses.

43) Our first motel hideout will likely be in "North Miami". Probably not yet translated to the in-game location name.

44) The collectibles for Jason will most likely be caps and hats. You could be able to place those in your hideout, if that doesn't happen automatically. Like a collection.

45) Interiors will look super real. Messy beds and rooms, dirt, stuff everywhere. If you thought GTA 5 was good at this, you'll be blown away here.

46) NPCs will drink and smoke at the same time.

47) You'll probably be able to take hostages during robberies. This could also affect how cops will approach the scene.

48) Wi-Fi hotspots in public areas.

49) You can enter the toilets in restaurants and diners.

50) You'll lean out with half of your body when you do a drive-by in the passenger seat.

51) You can see Lucias bra through her top. Viewing her from her side, you can see there being a small gap between her stomach and the top end of her jeans.

- Clothing in general will look and feel so much better than anything ever before seen in an open world game.

52) Hair length, make-up, fancy dresses with physics, high heels - you'll be able to customize Lucia to your whole liking.

- The dress physics are very realistic. These are no generic animated dresses, they have collisions with Lucias legs and move freely and realistically.

53) You can maybe charge forward to throw yourself onto the ground. Useful for getting into the prone position immediately. Could be for testing purposes only though.


And that's it! All the Americas files are analyzed and every little detail I wanted to mention has been mentioned. I had a lot of fun doing this and I hope you had as much fun reading! We're close to trailer 2 ladies and gentlemen, so brace yourselves!