Induction or c-section experience

Hi! So I have to be completely honest here: I am so over this shit. Between GD and just normal pregnancy symptoms, I am beyond ready to have this baby. And I’m also SO excited to meet her.

I’ll be 35 weeks this Friday and my next MFM appt is the following Thursday (we’re doing a growth scan) with a follow-up to discuss the results at my OB Friday at 36 weeks. So far, no one has really addressed or brought up the need for an induction or c-section. At my initial growth scan when I was 32 weeks, baby was measuring in the 75th percentile. Doctor said nothing to necessarily worry about, but she is big. I am fully diet controlled and I feel really grateful for that, but a part of me is sort of hoping they’ll want to induce or schedule a c-section between the 38-39 week mark. I know she could always make her appearance earlier and while my main priority is her health and safety, so if that means keeping her in and just dealing with the aches and pains, I’m MORE than happy to do so, I am selfishly ready for her to be evicted. I feel like she’s almost safer outside of my body than in it. Which is insane, but GD sucks, am I right?

So I’m just curious if anyone knows or has the experience, would it be all that crazy if at my 36 week appt, I told my doctor I’d kind of actually like to move forward with one of those options? Or will I get lucky enough to have them bring it up first even though I am diet controlled? And in your experience, who made that call? The MFM doctor or your OB?