Grounded Obscure Facts (PART 1)
Welcome to my new community post series where I will list off some lesser known Grounded facts!
1: Red weed stems will yield more planks if you chop them rather than explode them. So experienced players who use The Blaster of The Moldy Matriarch to farm weed stems, watch out!
2: In NG+, the Mansterious Stranger Mutation can actually spawn infused Mants. The randomized effects he produces can actually hurt you.
3: You can bypass some "Obstructed" areas if you hold the button to mass place pieces, than press the place button. Although this doesn't always work. With this, Its possible to build in the Oak Tree Lab.
4: The Teens are approx. 7 millimeters tall after being shrunk.
5: Spiky Burs don't spawn anywhere in the yard until 2 days after you plug the Haze.