Who cares about Half-Life 3? Let's talk about Half-Life 4!

I believe that the main goal of HL3 would be to save alyx from the Gman and not going to the Borealis, so the Borealis would much more fit in HL4.

Some things i want to see in a potential Half-Life 4 are: - Lamarr return - Barney, Alyx, Eli, Kleiner, Grigori - White Forest - Black Mesa - Borealis - Alyx and Gordon's Child/Children - Snarks - AR3/AR4 - Connection to one of the HL1 expansions - Gravity gun, Crowbar - Citadel like thing - Gravity Gloves - Named Civilians return (Leon, Winston, Matt, Victory Mine guys especially) - New named Civilians - a new City like City 17 (e.g.: City 16) - Aperture Sience - In the End reference (As a line from Kleiner)

Here are some explanations for some things: Borealis I believe that the main goal of HL3 wiould be to get Alyx back from the Gman Snarks & Lamarr Just look at them (´ω) Gravity Gloves Imagine seeing Alyx using her Gravity Gloves, because if they save here they're saving The 19yo Alyx from HL:A, but i'd like to imagine that HL:A Alyx and HL2 Alyx merge into one so that she has her memories again. Children I would introduce them to be in a little bed sleeping in the start in White Forest or something Black Mesa & Expansion Connection Imagine seeing the nuked Black Mesa remains, like seeing some old parts of Black Mesa like the teleporter or parts from Questionable Ethics (my fav Chapter) again.