The timeline of House, from Warehouse to Modernity (how did it happen?)

While doing my homework and listening to some house music, I was wondering how it was classified. I mean from Wikipedia, I know its origins are back in Chicago, in the 1980s with the Warehouse and different colors and races. However, I feel like today it has become a little bit weird?

I like to groove and vibe with house of the 2010-2020s house and when I listen to new music from 2023 to today, it feels like commercial music or related to EDM (also a great genre). It has lost its unique taste or most artists have forgotten what house sounded like or scared of trying something that is similar to Avicii, or any big producer.

Could anyone explain how we went from old industrial house beats to forgotten house (2000s-2010s) to peak house (2010s-2020s) to pandemic and re-house (2020s-now)

I really love putting names to eras/periods of time, btw is not official