How have you painted your Canis Rex model?

Canis Rex is basically an auto-include in my list if you read my past post. But the idea of painting a big knight with it's own signature freeblade color scheme from the rest kinda irks me and I am not particularly a fan of it's color scheme. I like uniformity in armies. Heck, even blue librarians in non Ultramarine/Crimson Fist armies give me OCD.

Now I already know what some of you will say..."paint what you like." But I feel like I am in an impossible situation because I love to be as accurate to the lore as possible and Canis Rex is not a regular Knight Preceptor. Canis Rex is an Epic Hero character. Well this is self-imposed misery of course so I am the one to blame and might regret making this post in a few hours.

I was just hoping to see how everyone else paints their Canis Rex models and maybe it might help me make up my mind about how I can go about painting mine.