I'm quitting after 4 months, invisalign has ruined my face

So, i'm 20 (almost 21) male. Four months ago I started a series of Invisalign trays to correct a very slight malocclusion. My dental appeareance was very good and nobody ever mock me for that. My only problem was a bit of malocclusion on left side and a single canine slightly retracted that sometimes give me some Tmj. So I go to a dentist and he creates a plan to resolve that with a Invisalign treatment of only 5-7 trays for 5-7 months.

June 5th 2023 i began with my first trays and months by months I religiously wear the trays 22-23 hour per day. Two weeks ago because of my good compliance and the speed of the progress he informed me that in november I was going to end my base treatment and eventally began the 2 final refinment trays.

The fact is that 5 days ago I began to have sort of panic attacks in front of the mirrors and yesterday I completely dropped the use of my tray in the hope of reversing the situation: It seems they have retracted my mouth with the invisalign, making my face clearly more retruded ,longer,and flat.

My face before invisalign was fare more attractive, i was lean but the cheeks and lower half part of the face was more thick, heavier but harmonius and much more masculine, instead now my face seems completely upseted for the worst. For having now a slightly more symmetric jaw and a bit better smile i'm paying with a ghost-like elonged appeareance, retracted maxilla, more prominent-looking nose, longer (horse) face,sunken cheeks that make my eyes seems more tired and slimmer face (even if i'm fatter than before) that make my ears more visible. The cons for me atm vastly outnumbered the pros.

As I sayed now I have completely dropped the use of my tray and I feel like a shit for the situation and the fact that I have wasted my parents' money but honestly i do not want to go on with this type of treatment and I'm going to begin with chewing and mewing for trying to have my face back as It was before the first tray. The question is: having dropped the trays after only 4 months of use and immediately begin proactive measures to counter the subjective negative(for my specific facial structure) result of this Invisalign treatment give me good possibility to somewhat return as i was before? I'm reading that the facial changes that I have experienced are quite common and not using the trays or the retainers almost always caused a process of reversal, if someone can help me I'll be grateful!