I came across a video about Israeli Arabs as told by Israeli Arabs


It’s refreshing to see a video of Israeli Arabs telling their stories and not by a Qatari, or an American or a British or a Turk etc… pretending to understand what Israeli Arabs think. Independent foreign media arent forbidden to interview Israeli Arabs, I wonder why we often dont hear about Israeli Arabs.

Disclaimer : The host is an Israeli Jew, he can speak Arabic, if you watch the entire video, you will hear him self-identify as a Jew of Color. He is half what we call Old Yishuv (these are the Jews who remained behind, were not sent into exile and lived as dhimmis under consecutive Muslim rule). Being part Old Yishuv didnt make him, a Jew of Color, the other half is Sephardic Jew from the Carribbeans. The youtube channel is pro-Israel but moderate.

  1. Israeli Arabs are not a monolith, it’s a spectrum. Some Israeli Arabs see themselves as Israeli first, and just the same as other Israeli citizens, while others reject their Israeli and only embrace their Palestinian identity. Majority of Israeli Arabs are not in either extreme end, but lies somewhere in the middle.

  2. It touches on the Nakbah. Israeli Arabs were those who stayed behind. 150,000.

  3. There was a transitional period. Military law were lifted in 1966, Israeli Arabs were seen as equals under the law.

  4. There was a time before check-points and fences, people could move freely.

  5. When the Oslo accord was signed, 75% supported a two state solution. Oslo accord catapulted the Palestinian identity to the forefront of Israeli Arabs discourse. Currently 2/3 of Israeli Arabs identify as Palestinians (but not necessarily exclusively Palestinians). Before the signing of the Oslo accord only 30% identify themselves as Palestinians.

P/s: Compare to the recent BBC documentary, I dont think any of the people interviewed were paid any money. They interviewed a diverse group of Israeli Arabs, teachers, activist, people with differing opinions, etc…