Hundreds of Gazans protested Hamas today
They were calling for Hamas to be out. Some,. apparently even called for the release of the hostages. 9 more protests are reportedly scheduled for tomorrow. This is a very good sign imo. Wish this could have happened earlier- but maybe Hamas has now been weakened enough for it to take place, where it couldn’t have when they were at full force? Not sure. But I commend these Gazans. CNN says thousands- but Times of Israel says 100s- i trust times of Israel on pretty much every story about this conflict over AL Jazerra, BBC or American news outlets. But either way, this is encouraging.
We know that mobs of non Hamas palestinians have gathered on the streets hurling insults, spitting on and threatening the hostages when they were first brought to Gaza .. and there were the mobs of non Hamas palestinians that celebrated Hamas at the release ceremonies of the hostages. And we know (or at least we think we know) that no Gazan civilians took Israel up on the 5 million dollar and relocation offer for information leading to the rescue of the hostages. And we also know that there were mobs of non Hamas Palestinians that followed Hamas on their invasion on October 7th- some of which participated in the brutal murders of Israeli civilians and the kidnapping of Israeli citizens. And we know that even some non Hamas Palestinian women and children took part in the looting of Israeli homes in Kibbutzes on October seventh.
We know that Hamas has murdered many of the good people of Gaza through out the years for speaking out against them. However, we also know that there are still - unquestionably, good souls still there that have not succumb to Hamas propaganda. These are those people,. And i hope the entire world starts getting behind them instead of siding with the Hamas line of thinking. These are the peace partners that can turn things around in this conflict. I was commenting with a Gazan on this sub today who seemed like one of these people - and i haven’t seen much of this type of thought prior to today. So i am for the first time since October 7th cautiously optimistic.