Induction Had To Be Scheduled on Her Birthday…
Currently 39w + 6 days. Labor starting and stopping for the past week and I’m so over it at this point.
So I go into my appointment today and was told to expect a call from the coordinator. Coordinator called as I was wolfing down some lunch and of course, without thinking I agreed to the first available induction slot. I then asked if that’s the absolute soonest we could go in and get everything taken care of, and the coordinator said that yes, that’s the soonest available. Hung up the phone and went about my business until I look at the calendar and see that the induction date is ACTUALLY the date of my MIL’s birthday.
This lady is insane, and I cannot imagine having to live the rest of her life hearing how much her and LO are just that much closer because they are birthday twins…. If that even ever happens..
Pray for me!!
ETA: everyone suggesting to reschedule - yes I will but my OB’s office does in fact come to a close, and has been closed since well before I realized the date/issue described here. Also, to remind everyone very gently, I don’t want the advice to reschedule as per the flair which asks for no advice. Just solidarity!