What is the Sexual Health Status' of Medium to High-End Escorts and Brothels in Kenya?

Hey, I have been considering hiring a Medium to High-End Escort in Kenya. If I am not wrong their prices start from KSH 2500-5000 an hour respectively according to escort websites. What is their sexual health like? Do they practice safe sex? In Europe high-end escorts are very serious, many disallow kissing and force clients to wear a condom even for oral sex. I am looking for such safety conscious escorts! And I will obviously use a condom! Are they like this kwa ground?

What about their STD status? Are they clean or have a cocktail of STDs?

I would highly appreciate informed answers. Any other relevant information including brothels can be added. Thank you!

*FYI I would prefer high-end escorts who reside in Westlands, Kilimani etc