My opinion on Kenya and Kenyans as someone very well travelled

  1. Kenyans are among the funniest people in the world. They are literally on the league with Brazilians and such. Never a dull time with them. (You guys should appreciate this more)
  2. Kenyans are quite warm at heart and welcome everyone irrespective of nationality and race.
  3. Quite entrepreneurial. You will be shocked with Kenyans hustle culture. If the Kenyan government was not so corrupt and entrepreneurs had great support, the Kenyan business sector would be world renown.
  4. Have a bad habit of asking for money constantly. More akin to the American tipping culture. Very disgusting.
  5. Kenya has one of the most beautiful and varied environments in the world. There is practically nothing lacking. Whether you want a desert, beach, mountainous, animal or any natural experience it's all there. The Kenyan government just needs to fix interior roads and security for the country to be more accessible.
  6. Multicultural with great harmony between tribes. In my opinion tribalism in Kenya isn't that dangerous/vile as most people assume.
  7. They are hardworking and lazy at the same time. I feel like they lack initiative and need to be micro-managed.

These are the few that come off the top of my head. I'll probably add more as I think of others. (You can add some of your own observations In the comments) I enjoy Kenyans, however i tend to avoid interactions with them. Don't like being around people who want handouts. Kenya is a jewel of a country. It has its issues which mainly stem from government corruption.