For those who take AAPC courses

How long did it take you to get through it? I have to do the foundational medicine course, CPB and CPc course. I was going to give myself 2 months for foundations of medicine and 4 months for CPB along with taking the exam. And then about a year for the CPC. Do you think this is rushing it? I just really want to be able to apply for jobs in like 6 months once I get my CPB. I also work as a massage therapist currently so I only work about 23 hours a week so I have lots of time to study.

And one last question. Can I apply for jobs for a medical biller once I finish my certification without prior medical experience? Will it be likely that employers will even look at my resume? I’ve been applying to entry level jobs but no one has been getting back to me. I recently updated my resume so hopefully when I apply in the future that will help, but it’s a little bit concerning. Luckily I have my other degrees (social work and massage therapy) to fall back on incase this doesn’t work.