no sign of period after mirena removal

so i decided to get my mirena removed after 2.5 years. i was diagnosed with PCOS back in 2021, which is why i was prescribed mirena in order to regulate my periods (which were heavy and basically non stop!). however, after doing some more research, i began to suspect that i was misdiagnosed with pcos. i don’t have any of the physical symptoms. when i went in for an ultrasound, i was told that my ovaries looked polycystic, however my blood tests came back normal. i recently found out that it is no longer recommended to carry out ultrasounds for adolescents (i was 16 at the time) as the number of eggs can make the ovaries appear polycystic, despite not being so. they diagnosed me anyway, and i got my mirena inserted. it stopped my periods completely.

anyway, since removal, which was about 2 months ago now, i’ve had no signs of my cycle returning. i have not been having sex so i am definitely not pregnant lol, but i was wondering if anyone had a similar experience and if it took their periods a while to return? after the diagnosis, i’d like my cycle to return so i have some reassurance!! not sure if i’m being impatient/neurotic but if anyone knows how long it usually takes for things to return to normal, pls let me know!! :)