First time hitting diamond with playing Mordekaiser!
I want to talk about my builds specifically. At the start of the new season, I mostly played around liandry. But it didn't felt that strong, so I played riftmaker mostly.
I buy riftmaker or liandry first item every game(sometimes I go rylai's first but it depends on matchups).
I go rylai's second(ıf I go rylai's first then ı go riftmaker or liandry second).
The third item really depends on the enemy team. If the enemy team is mostly ad, I go randuin's omen because it slows the enemies and grants fine amount of armor. İf the enemy team is mostly ap, I go spirit visage because it buffs the riftmaker's omnivamp and buffs my w.
The fourth item also depends on the enemy team. If the enemy team has one shot ap's like evelynn, I go kaenic rookern. If the enemy team has 3 or more than 3 ap's but they do not one shot me(btw that's impossible because of the meta but sometimes happens), I go force of nature. If the enemy team has 3 or more than 3 ad's, I go zhonya's or thornmail.
I don't specially have fifth item. Because I usually buy extra resistance last item. For example if I buy randuin's omen third and rookern fourth item and most of the damage I tank is ap, I'll just go spirit visage. If I buy spirit visage third and randuin's omen fourth item and still tank mostly ad, I'll go thornmail or zhonya's.
I don't sell my boots at any part of the game. Because it becomes impossible to catch someone in this meta.
I want to learn your ideas guys. (By the way I didn't use translate and I'm just a guy that is trying to learn English. So there may be some grammatical problems in the text. Sorry for that.)