hijab: a reflection
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
so not too long ago i was asked
What does wearing the Hijab mean to you personally? Is it just a physical covering, or does it hold a deeper connection to your faith, identity, and closeness to Allah?
if anyone wants to share their own thoughts and responses below please do ان شاء الله !! just wanted to share my response bc younger me could’ve definitely benefitted from hearing these words 🎀🎀
firstly, what an honor that ﷲ سبحانه وتعالى decreed this specifically for the women. what honor that we’re given this test and all tests are a means of raising our ranks and expiating our sins. what an honor that we dress like the best of women.
second our hijab is between us and ﷲ. the men are given their obligations when it comes to maintaining their chastity and dignity. and we are given ours. i just rlly don’t like when it’s made so much about men. like yes obv gender interactions are important to consider but just wanted to say that. or when they start comparing women to candy?? like bruh lol
but concerning men. theres a huge difference in how a man will treat a woman who’s covered and uncovered. i’m sure we’ve all experienced this. if you rlly break it down, the attention literally means nothing. the same girl who’s catcalled and followed to her car in a target parking lot is the same girl who is completely ignored when under clothes. you didn’t change? so why does the response of people change? namely men? because the attention is so superficial. it means nothing and it’s almost always negative attention. i hope that makes sense.
also there’s nothing cute about being reduced to your body. all this feminism this and feminism that but suddenly ur oppressed for wanting cover yourself? yea okay.
nudity is the real oppression. why is there so much insecurity and eating disorders and plastic surgery and whatnot. because women have been convinced that their physical appearance is the most important thing about them. and there’s billion dollar industries profiting off of that. and obv im not saying like don’t shower or don’t take care of yourself. but with hijab you can just be you. and i’m not saying that cuz we cover so there’s less to be seen. more so because the fact you’re covering for ﷲ means that you hold ﷲ s validation the highest.
so it doesn’t matter if this person thinks you’re pretty or that person like you or whatever. cuz that’s not doing anything for you. and again like i mentioned that’s very superficial attention bc same girl with more clothes would warrant you none of that attention. and what’s beautiful is that ﷲ created you. ﷲ knows well what you look like. so you don’t have to be insecure with ﷲ. you just have to accept his blessings the He has graciously bestowed on you. your nose is not too this or that for ﷲ. ﷲ created that nose. your eyes are not to this or that for ﷲ. ﷲ crated those eyes. etc. there’s so much comfort in seeking validation from the Lord and the Most Perfect One
also with attention comes negative attention. and tbh any man that looks at a woman and is intrigued due to her looks is there for a good time not a long time. women are not meant to be used and thrown out. a good women is meant to be taken care of and treated well. a good woman is meant to be taken as a wife with a contract that holds weight in the eyes of ﷲ. not made to be a zania. sorry if i’m yapping to much lol i am def not concise with my words. but anywho what im getting at here is most male attention that isn’t rooted in goodness is temporary and not good for anyone. thus hijab protects you from lustful approaches that can become very dangerous to one’s standing with ﷲ. and hijab protects from zina and all that leading to zina. usually women are those who are approached and pursued. therefore if you’re not being approached no zina. and if guys don’t feel comfortable talking to you casually GOOD. STAY AWAY FROM ME UNLESS YOU WANNA TALK TO MY DAD.
and that’s the way it should be. hijab protects you from being a silly girl and letting a boy take more than what he deserves from you. HE CANT EVEN GET A SECOND GLANCE until he makes his way to your father and can house you and feed you and sustain you and give you a bridal gift and do the same for any kiddos to come. LIKE ISLAM HONORS WOMAN. and hijab def comes with that.
yea and just back to what i first said, i love tests from ﷲ. because what an honor to be tested like the best people who were given the hardest of hardships, i don’t want this life to be easy for me so that ان شاء الله my akhira is infinitely better, and i love that hijab is a women specific test. it challenges our nafs and it removes you from this desire to have all eyes on you and be seen and appreciated for your beauty, and it allows you to focus on being seen by ﷲ and being appreciated for your inner beauty. for the outer beauty is a blessing and surely we all have desires and want to be appreciated by a man may ﷲ سبحانه وتعالى grant us all righteous spouses. but we will all age and ultimately our faces will be covered with dirt and our flesh will rot in the ground. that is the ultimate destination of our worldly beauty. but inward beauty will be manifest in the most beautiful of women in jannah. may ﷲ سبحانه وتعالى make us among them.
and yea i think that’s all. also wanted to add that there’s a huge difference in wearing hijab properly v improperly in seeing the kinds of attention you receive. especially when hijab is not necessarily uncommon around you. hijab properly will do its job. hijab is more than a headscarf. acc it doesn’t even mean headscarf lol .
also one more thing. i love that hijab is a state your in, like let’s say you have school for 8 hours idk j an example, you are in a state of hijab ان شاء الله for 8 hours. only ﷲ knows the reward esp if you’re the only one wearing it or wearing it properly and you’re making jihad against your nafs to do it for the sake of ﷲ, i just think that’s so beautiful. and anything that you have the opportunity to give up for the sake of ﷲ and strive towards Him is such a blessing.
جزاك الله خيرا
a lot of this is just me talking so take it with a grain of salt and anything incorrect is from me and shaiytan and ﷲ and his messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم are free from it