Update from my post (modded nexus pro caused injuries)

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TLDR Guy got his nexus pro seized because it broke local laws.

So I had a lot of people in my post (about a modded nexus pro causing injuries) confused about why the guy with the modded nexus pro was getting in legal trouble.

The reason he is in legal trouble is because in my area there was a string of incidents where some idiot teenagers used airsoft guns to rob people, as well as just shooting random pedestrians. Because of that there are restrictions on any projectile launching device being fired at people based on how fast it propels a projectile and how much force is expended on a target at impact.

It’s not a ban, you can have airsoft guns and the like that exceed the limits, but if you fire at a person it is considered assault “with a weapon” (note not a deadly weapon, but simply weapon).

So the guy got his nexus pro seized, and I’m pretty sure he didn’t get straight up arrested, but he is having to pay a $750 dollar fine (per shot) as well as cover medical costs for any injuries.

I mentioned it in an edit but the girl did need emergency surgery and she did end up loosing the eye, and while the medical costs are being covered, she has been speaking to a lawyer about further damages (she lost her eye after all). I luckily got off with temporary damage to my windpipe and my vocal cords.