Hot Take: “Possession” is a Lloyd and Nya Season

This is a hot take I have and I am curious to see what people say. Personally, I know “Possession” is a debated season for who the focus ninja is. It seems that the general consensus is that it is a team season, but I disagree. I think it is a Lloyd and Nya season. Here is why:

-The season revolves around Lloyd being possessed by Morro, which is unique because instead of having Lloyd be a hero, he becomes the host for the main villain.

-Lloyd's struggle to regain control of his body and fight Morro is a big part of the plot.

-I know this isn’t alway the answer, but Lloyds face was on the box for the sets and for the “previously on Ninjago” opening

-Even though the other ninja are working to save him, the season largely centers on Lloyd’s conflict with Morro and his own growth as a leader.

-This season marks Nya's transition from Samurai X to the Master of Water, making it one of her most important arcs.

-She trains with Wu to unlock her Elemental Powers, which is a crucial part of the story.

-Nya’s abilities become the key to defeating Morro and stopping the ghosts.

-Both Lloyd and Nya are the two that help to win the final battle and defeat both Morro and the Preeminent

I know people will probably come at me for this, but I do think it’s a Lloyd and Nya season. Ninjago has show it can have seasons with two focus characters before (Ex: S7 is focused on Kai and Nya, S11 is focused on Kai and Zane).

Let me know if you all agree.