Why is having an iPhone vs an Android phone such a big deal for some women?
I've heard stories and encountered profiles on online dating where the guy not having an iPhone is a deal breaker. I find this absolutely bizarre veering towards insane. While I personally prefer my Pixel I don't think it is a part of who I am and I wouldn't judge a person based on their choice of phone. I just don't understand why. Is it some joke that I'm out of the loop on?
Yes, I have run across these people IRL - not just heard stories.
The women in question were at least mid 30s.
The tracking thing isn't something I realized was a thing with Apple. That's creepy AF
Also, wasn't used in a brush off way/situation.
No, I'm not saying it's common, but it's weird that it's even a thing that I would see repeatedly.
Obviously anyone with this on their profile is getting a swift swipe left