Specialist Community Public Health Nursing Diploma
Hi all😊
Just wanted to ask a few questions so I know what options are available if I decide to go ahead with this career path in the future!
I’m still a student at the minute doing my BSc, and I’m planning on using my elective placements to experience community nursing, safeguarding, health visiting, or something in that area
When it comes to the SCPHN diploma, is this usually funded? Can it be funded by SFE? Are there usually apprenticeship routes? How would one go about starting this diploma? If you are in this role, do you enjoy it?
I’ve done some very quick searches and I’ve seen that Manchester Met Uni offer an apprenticeship route, and the course is usually 12 months in length across other unis. I’m hoping that if it can’t be funded by an employer, I can get funding from SFE but I’m not really sure
Any advice welcome☺️ Thank you!