SN1, SN2, E1, E2

I don’t really have much to ask, because I feel like a lost puppy at the moment. I have spent days trying to figure it all out. I have an exam over these mechanisms tomorrow and I am struggling to retain all of the ‘rules’ that go along with it all. Just asking for some proton vibes to get me through this one. 😂🧪

UPDATE** I have an overall solid A after working my butt off all semester so far (no curve, 93%+ is an A here). However, I did get a B on this most recent exam (86%). And I’m not certain I can pull an A on the last exam before the final either. These mechanisms are like a new language! All at once. Lol. Although I’m disappointed, I am going to keep studying and grinding so I can hopefully finish off with the A that I have been working so hard for! Or at least close to it! I appreciate the videos! 😊