7 year daughter old tweaking from Vyvanse

My seven-year-old daughter is waiting for an ADHD assessment but since it will take a year or more to get into see someone, our family doctor prescribed 20 mg of Vyvanse to try since she has been struggling with day to day functioning, especially at school. We gave her the chewable dose at 7:30 AM along with a protein rich breakfast. By the afternoon we’d received an email from her teacher, saying how well she was doing in class, how she was paying attention and reading her books. It was very promising.

But when she got home after school, she was completely manic. At first I thought she was just excited about how well the medication had worked, but then I realized that she was not only talking really fast, she was also grinding her teeth and making weird flexing motions with her hands. Then something small caused her to almost break down in tears. The rest of the afternoon continued that way, shifting between manic and emotional. At bedtime, which is normally around 8 PM she was not tired at all and ended up being awake until around midnight. Then she woke up at 4 AM and couldn’t get back to sleep for an hour or so. The whole experience was disheartening.

My question now is where do we go from here? Our follow up appointment with my doctor about the Vyvanse isn’t happening until January and we obviously need to try a different medication if we even want to go that route anymore. This experience has really made us question whether medication is worth it. My daughter‘s reaction was alarming and she’s still exhibiting some of the symptoms that that original dose caused such as the teeth grinding and hand movements. Is this kind of reaction typical?