Mid/late pyg feels a bit too oppressive

I've read so many times that pyg sucks early but scales well into late, and I'm not sure what exactly changed with the patch (I'm not a pyg player) but this is 100% true now. Everyone is racing against the clock not to have to fight against day10+ pygs because he shields for thousands, his weapons deal thousands of damage, and he has twice / thrice your health.

Due to his inflated numbers, any sort of scaling build automatically loses to pygs because you do not have the time to scale to their numbers (usually they just 1shot you). So "honest" poison / burn builds (not those with 10% damage to burn/poison) are almost guaranteed to lose, which is quite a big slice of the pie. What do pygs lose to then? Either some very specific / high rolled builds (force field, long john, etc.), or another pyg with ever bigger numbers.

To make matters worse, the new poison / burn enchants synergise extremely well with pygs ginormous numbers, so something like a burn enchanted fixer upper is automatically superiour to pretty much any dooley burn build.

I think the base shield / damage values on his items should be increased and the out of combat scaling (gain X when you buy/sell Y) should be reduced.