What do you think of actual bad boys?
Where ive lived and still to this day, I see constant glorification of actual bad boys, and I dont mean the "oh hes a player" i mean actual thugs, "gang members" as they claim, robbers, felons.
Women where I live, which isnt even a big city, more like a large town, love these guys. Most women I meet have met these guys if not engaging in sexual acts with them.
Its crazy to me sometimes, cause I can look on the recent news of a shooting, and WOW! its that thuggy wuggy I went to high school with! And all the women on facebook "# free him!!!!" recently saw this with another local man, who has a long rap sheet....
Recently he was involved in a local murder! YAY! how attractive! What was it? Ohhhh a robbery of course, hmmm lets see, oh look its this mans THIRD ARMED ROBBERY CHARGE! Great, ok.... why are all these women saying free this obvious menace to society? Why do women i know love these guys? Its actually mind boggling.
Ive seen women literally force men in my area to have fights (horrific ones people getting brain damage ones) where the winner gets the girl unironically, like if you lost shed dump you. Ive went to parties, and even the preppy "good girls" loved to have a nice thug boyfriend, who typically always ended up in jail over shooting someone in a robbery lol theyd brag how they got a good college girl while theyre robbing people for a living..... what is going on here?
These guys have personally robbed me, and the women LOVED it, id even try to just be cool, I was smoking a ciggeratte one time and one of these fine young men asked me for one, and I said sure, and when I pulled the pack out, he snatched it from my hands, flashed a gun, with the giggles of the girls nearby, i mean cmon.
Btw, police are useless, these thugs were driving up and down my street one time fully masked up flashing guns, saying they were gonna "get me" when I left the house. The cops said "meh, we cant do anything until something happens", anyway, i went and got myself a gun because of this, it was a necessity at this point to combat the thuggery.
Ive been wondering my whole life, what do women see in these literal thugs, and I kinda wanted to know what you women here think of them? Do you think theyre exciting? Do other women? Surely youve at least seen these types in high school, what did you think of them? Did you love them?