CMV: These "Her" like AI experiences won't alleviate loneliness for men

On this site you can talk to some AI voices. It got me thinking about the supposed lonliness epidemic and whether or not AI advances will have an impact. I don't think so and here's why:

  1. Y'all will be ridiculed for having these subscriptions. "What? Couldn't handle a bio girlfriend? Lmao" This shaming will deter adoption and sales

  2. Humanity struggles to accept an emotional connection is possible with non-biological entities. That's a philosophical bridge we are just not ready to cross. It'll require new generations

  3. Men claim to be more sexual than women, which means these AIs won't be sufficiently satisfying to meaningfully reduce loneliness


DISCLAIMER: not saying this is "new". not talking about sex dolls. Not all women/men, etc