Men complain about women dating bad boys yet men date horrible women

The amount of shit men put up with when the women is hot is crazy. They will put up with their every movement being criticized and constant nagging, just because their gf is hot. Ive seen this dynamic play out so many times. The gf can get away with ANYTHING. She can be an open gold digger, superficial as hell, mean etc. And then men will complain when women date drug dealers or bad boys as if they wouldnt date objectively horrible women if shes hot. These same men will also complain when she takes half in divorce, like how are you surprised she's been a bitch pretty much since you met her.

Would guys choose the nice sweet girl whose very plain over a hot bitch? no. In fact it seems like some guys like being bossed around.

So lets stop with the complaining about who women date because its a double standard.