As requested, the Candiace psychoanalysis (spoilers)

As a bw do I think colourism is an issue on the cast? Yes. I also still think there's more to it.

As a sag I want to like Candiace but I can't deny my observations.

  1. She has narcissistic tendencies but I don't know if she makes the cut.

  2. She has mother and father wounds which gives a unique perspective on her.

Let's deal with the father wounds: Sense of abandonment which I think her mom holds over her head. Maybe stressing that she is the one who stayed and raised them. Then threatening to leave too if she continues being a 'princess.'

Her struggle with her black identity. Something about the way she upholds her black identity seems like a overcompensation for perhaps not feeling black enough and or for marrying a white man

She also had to make it a point on several occasions that her husband isn't typical white. He's bordering on wigga zone and even has a non pink peepee 😂. Her fear of having a baby that isn't with her skin colour.

  1. Her mother wound. I can bet she is probably already tired of being psychoanalyse by her mother who probably gaslit her with psychology words salad. Her mother guilt trips her and can be abusive which is probably why Candiace isn't emotionally regulated.

  2. This explains why she had such a love hate relationship with Karen, a potential mother hen. Also why she was so triggered about Karen playing swisserland in the fight we don't speak of. Perhaps it brought back memories of her mom playing devil's advocate of a therapist to her, instead of being just her mom. I can see her mom taking other people's side when Candiace might tell her about arguments she'd had.

  3. This also might explain why Candiace hated being called a princess. I can relate to this since for a long time I hated people equating being the youngest to being spoilt. In Candiace's case I'd assume she hated it because it invalidated her feelings about having struggles of her own and making her feel like everything she has must be because she worked to the point of death to have.

  4. All of this combined adds to why she has a lethal mouth and seemed emotionally stunted. Her insults seemed bad because they often didn't target the person's character buy their physical appearance, which most people can't help. It usually retracted from many valid points of hers and gave her enemies an opening to point the finger back at her. The situation then often turned into analysing her reaction instead of what caused it.

  5. Why she body shames in particular relating to ageism and reproduction. Candiace is terrified of turning into her mother. The two things she sees clearly about her mother is she is her biological mother and thus is also older than her. As candiace ages and her desires for a family reaches an all time high she cannot shake the feelings of insecurities about how her body will change and if she will do better than her mom. Think about all her comebacks, (spoilers ):

  6. To Ashley: forehead, widebodied

  7. To Gissel: neck, rolls, dwindling uterus

Lastly, she left the show to avoid being seen pregnant on national TV. It would be all too raw for her. I hope she finds peace and therapy. I do think with that she'll be way better.